How to Finance Your Dental Work in Mexico

Having dental work in Mexico for all on 4 dental implants or full mouth rehabilitation in Mexico now a reality. YOU WILL NOT HAVE MANY EXCUSES to start your big change

SMILE 4 EVER MEXICO will recommend you with a secure financing company that can offer dental financing options in Tijuana Mexico for your dental treatment at the best rates

Our dental clinic in Tijuana has partnered with a lending company to offer dental financing. If you need financial assistance for your dental care, you may qualify for a loan to help you through our lending affiliate.

Based on your credit score, you may qualify for financing – up to $25,000. Loans can be used for general, specialty and cosmetic dental procedures in Mexico, including, but not limited to:

Dental Implants, All-on-4’s (Implant supported dentures), Snap-in dentures, Traditional/conventional complete full dentures, full mouth reconstruction, etc

dental financing mexico


United Medical Credit offers loans of up to $25,000 for dental procedures with the following benefits:

Affordable monthly payments.
Competitive interest rates.
No prepayment penalty.
Multiple loan term plans to choose from.
Interest free financing options (on approved credit and provider participation)


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